Number and nature of risks are increasing with climate change, and combined with energy transition it is about to disrupt the world as we know it. How to find smart and reliable ways through energy transition, economy & societal changes, to target and reach a new sustainable world equilibrium ?
A complete world transition model framework is allowing evaluation of strategies in front of possible energy, resources, climate or economy evolutions. It propose a real coupling between economy, energy, resources, population, climate…
Being an open framework, it allows securing and combining various models and experts advices on strategies strengths or weaknesses, coverage or gaps.
WITNESS will allow you to easily plug in your various strategies to evaluate them in front of potential world evolutions.
Whatever the area, oncoming transition will directly or indirectly impact it.
It will trigger regulations changes, energy & primary resources shortage, economy shifts, consumer’s habits change…
WITNESS transition world model is open source. It shall be soon usable “as a service” on major commercial clouds.
It can also be installed on premises at the location of your choice, for more in depth cooperation or openness.
And there is possible support available for usage or customization through consulting.
WITNESS power party rely on its underlying simulation platform, SoSTrades. This platform to enable various actors to co-simulate impact of energy transformation and climate change, with the objective to help building together a sustainable path to preserving wellfare and climate.
Linux Foundation Open Source for Climate integrated WITNESS tool within its Transition risk project, and this website is built to facilitate information exchange among WITNESS and Transition risk community.
Airbus initiated the development of SoSTrades and WITNESS by transposing in Integrated Assessment Model domain their experience in complex system of systems simulation, and made it open source in OS-Climate in 2021. Capgemini joined OS-Climate in 2023 and is currently the main sponsor for the development of SoSTrades and WITNESS.
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