
E-Methane or Sabatier process or Chemical methanation

The chemical methanation process is mostly used in Power-to-Gas installations where it is used to transform the produced hydrogen (by co-electrolysis) into methane. The chemical methanation process is a catalytic exothermic gas reaction and therefore, the equilibrium can be influenced by increasing the pressure and shifting it to the product side. The main reaction of the methanation of carbon dioxyde is :


Economic and technical datas is taken from Rosenfeld & al ^1. CAPEX values are similar in this paper and in the paper of Thema & al ^2.

A full list of world Power-to-Gas plants is available in Thema & al ^2 and has been used to define the initial world production and the age distribution of existing methanation plants.

^1: Rosenfeld, D. C., Bohm, H., Lindorfer, J. , Lehner, M. (2020). Scenario analysis of implementing a power-to-gas and biomass gasification system in an integrated steel plant: A techno-economic and environmental study. Renewable Energy, 147(2020), 1511-1524. ^2: Thema, M., Bauer, F. and Sterner, M. Power-to-Gas: Electrolysis and methanation status review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews vol 112, 2019, p.775-787