
Hydrocarbons ^1

In organic chemistry, a hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. The predominant use of hydrocarbons is as a combustible fuel source. Methane is the predominant component of natural gas. The C6 through C10 alkanes, alkenes and isomeric cycloalkanes are the top components of gasoline, naphtha, jet fuel and specialized industrial solvent mixtures. With the progressive addition of carbon units, the simple non-ring structured hydrocarbons have higher viscosities, lubricating indices, boiling points, solidification temperatures, and deeper color.

Fuel chemical formula[^2]

The general formula of fuels is CnH2n+2. Here, we consider several types of fuel categorized as :

^1: Hydrocarbons, Wikipedia [^2]: Ed Vitz, John W. Moore, Justin Shorb, Xavier Prat-Resina, Tim Wendorff, and Adam Hahn. Organic Compounds- Hydrocarbons,Chemistry, Libretext